English Essays #2. My Moment at Cafe ‘Gyeongseong Coffe’
English Essays 시리즈는 카페지기 커피사유가 영어로 작성한 각종 연습글들과 에세이들을 모아놓은 공간입니다.
우선 서두에 이 글은 서울대학교 Jeniffer Baillargeon 교수님의 College English 2: Writing 수업의 과제 일환으로 작성된 연습용 문단임을 밝혀둡니다.
Before everything, I’d like to notify you that this short paragrph was written in a college class, named ‘College English 2: Writing’ in Seoul National University, leaded by Professor Jeniffer Baillargeon.
When I recall my most relaxing moment, I usually gaze at an image of the cafe ‘Gyeongseong Coffe’, near-by my home. I’m still cherishing the quite vivid moment at the cafe, standing in its right place for about five years or more in my eyes. I was sitting down on one of the chairs and enjoying the moment of a 19 century’s cafe in London or Paris, just about a year ago. From the lobby on the 1st floor through the modern-looking stairs to the 2nd deck where I was in, the chairs were radiating their antique appeal toward every direction with their European embroidery patterns on creamy white cloth, bloomed with classy emerald and blond threads. There were also glass panes on the right side of the table where I was enjoying my beverage, where the shiny sunlight of the near-end of the summer was making its way through in, flooding up my window-sided table with the colours of the autumn. Those colours were a great partner of the internal lights of the cafe. The amber lights were just everywhere in the cafe, making every object the light wafted and touched looking antique and unique, therefore all of the pieces of the furniture were looking old-fashioned but also bijou. The sophisticated touches of the notes played by Eddie Higgins resonated all around the cafe, just like whoever closes his eyes was likely going to find himself in one of the Jazz bars of New York when he opens up his eyes again. But the truly perfect moment was completed by a sip of a dark chartreuse cup of the well-made coffee, invading my nose with some lingering bitter and tart scent, but boosting my peaceful afternoon. The cafe ‘Gyeongseong Coffe’ wasn’t just a cafe for me, it was my most favourite nest where I can leave everything behind and just focus on everything around me, at least for a while.